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Workspace Options

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Creating a workspace within TradeStation with the correct naming convention is critical to enabling TradeStation to properly communicate with NinjaTrader.


*Please note you may have multiple charts/strategies running in a single workspace


tog_minusHow to create a new TradeStation workspace

From within TradeStation, you can create a new workspace by left mouse clicking on the menu File, selecting the menu name New, and then selecting the menu name Workspace. This will create an untitled workspace in TradeStation. You must then left mouse click on the menu File and select the menu name Save Workspace As... to provide a workspace name following the naming conventions listed below.

tog_minusUnderstanding workspace naming convention functions

The workspace name must contain "NinjaTrader;" (one word, without the quotations) otherwise NinjaTrader will NOT process any trade signals received from TradeStation.


Account Name

You can optionally add your brokerage account name(s) to the workspace name to identify an account that NinjaTrader will route orders to. If the account name is missing NinjaTrader will route orders to the default account (to set the default account from NinjaTrader left mouse click on the Tools menu, select the menu name Options, left click on the ATI tab, and then select the General tab). The account name must be specified as "Account=YourAccount" (without quotations) and where "YourAccount" is the name/number of your brokerage account.


Multiple Accounts
You can add multiple accounts in the workspace name to inform NinjaTrader to replicate the TradeStation order across more than one account. To do this add a comma "," (without the quotations) after each account name. For example; "Account=Account1,Account2"


Quantity Multiplier

You can optionally associate a quantity multiplier with each account that you have specified in the workspace name. This optional value will be multiplied by the TradeStation's strategy quantity amount. For example; if your TradeStation strategy has a quantity amount of 1 contract and you want to trade 2 contracts and you do not want to modify this amount in the strategy itself you can add "=2" after the account name in the workspace which would multiple the strategy contract amount by a factor of 2. The text would look like "Account=YourAccount=2"


Aliases - Chart Instrument "A" then Execute Orders in Instrument "B"
You can redirect orders to a different instrument than the instrument that your TradeStation strategy is actually running on. For example, you can run a strategy on $SPX.X but have orders actually placed to the S&P Emini contract. The text would look like "Map=$SPX.X,ESH09" where $SPX.X is the TradeStation chart instrument followed by a comma and then ESH09 which is the S&P Emini March 2009 contract which is the contract that will be traded. Since you can have multiple charts running in a workspace, you can add multiple mapping relationships. For example "Map=$SPX.X,ESH09,$COMPX,MSFT" would map the $SPX.X to ESH09 and $COMPX would map to MSFT.

tog_minusWorkspace name examples

Workspace Name Examples

Following are samples of valid TradeStation workspace names. Remember, you will separate functions with a semi colon ";".


The following workspace name routes orders to the Default account specified under Tools --> Options --> ATI tab



The following workspace name routes orders to account # 1235



The following workspace name routes an order to account #7777 and another order to account #1311 with the original strategy quantity multiplied by a factor of 2



The following workspace name routes orders to account #123 and maps trade signals generated by the $SPX.X chart to the S&P Emini March 2009 contract


tog_minusUnderstanding multiple workspaces

Multiple Workspaces

You may create multiple workspaces provided that they each contain "NinjaTrader;" (without the quotations) in their name. For example, you could have two workspaces named "NinjaTrader1;" and "NinjaTrader2;"