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The TabControlManager class can be used to set or check several properties of a TabControl object. Rather than instantiating a TabControlManager object, you can use the public static methods of the class to set specific properties for a specified TabControl, as in the example code below.


Note:  For a complete, working example of this class in use, download framework example located on our Developing AddOns Overview




SetCanAddTabs(DependencyObject obj, bool value)

Sets a TabControl can add new tabs

SetCanDuplicateTabs(DependencyObject obj, bool value)

Sets a TabControl can duplicate tabs in new tabs or new windows

SetCanRemoveTabs(DependencyObject obj, bool value)

Sets a TabControl can remove tabs

SetFactory(DependencyObject obj, bool value)

Sets the NTTabFactory for the TabControl

SetIsSimulation(DependencyObject obj, bool value)

Sets the current NTTabPage to the simulation color if true. This method needs to be used logically from within your NTTabPage.

SetIsMovable(DependencyObject obj, bool value)

Sets a TabControl allows changing the order of tabs in a window



GetCanAddTabs(DependencyObject obj)

Indicates a TabControl can add new tabs

GetCanDuplicateTabs(DependencyObject obj)

Indicates a TabControl can duplicate tabs in new tabs or new windows

GetCanRemoveTabs(DependencyObject obj)

Indicates a TabControl can remove tabs

GetFactory(DependencyObject obj)

Obtains the NTTabFactory used by a TabControl

GetIsSimulation(DependencyObject obj)

Indicates the Simulation Color selected in the Options menu is visible in the tab background when a simulation account is selected in the tab

GetIsMovable(DependencyObject obj)

Indicates a TabControl allows changing the order of tabs in a window





public AddOnFrameworkWindow()
  // TabControl should be created for window content if tab features are wanted
  TabControl tc = new TabControl();
  // Attached properties defined in TabControlManager class should be set to achieve tab moving, adding/removing tabs
  TabControlManager.SetIsMovable(tc, true);
  TabControlManager.SetCanAddTabs(tc, true);
  TabControlManager.SetCanRemoveTabs(tc, true);
  // if ability to add new tabs is desired, TabControl has to have attached property "Factory" set.
  TabControlManager.SetFactory(tc, new AddOnFrameworkWindowFactory());
  Content = tc;
  /* In order to have link buttons functionality, tab control items must be derived from Tools.NTTabPage
   They can be added using extention method AddNTTabPage(NTTabPage page) */
  tc.AddNTTabPage(new AddOnFrameworkTab());