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Draws a triangle.


Method Return Value

A Triangle object that represents the draw object.



Draw.Triangle(NinjaScriptBase owner, string tag, int startBarsAgo, double startY, int middleBarsAgo, double middleY, int endBarsAgo, double endY, Brush brush)
Draw.Triangle(NinjaScriptBase owner, string tag, DateTime startTime, double startY, DateTime middleTime, double middleY, DateTime endTime, double endY, Brush brush)
Draw.Triangle(NinjaScriptBase owner, string tag, bool isAutoScale, int startBarsAgo, double startY, int middleBarsAgo, double middleY, int endBarsAgo, double endY, Brush brush, Brush areaBrush, int areaOpacity)
Draw.Triangle(NinjaScriptBase owner, string tag, bool isAutoScale, DateTime startTime, double startY, DateTime midTime, double middleY, DateTime endTime, double endY, Brush brush, Brush areaBrush, int areaOpacity)
Draw.Triangle(NinjaScriptBase owner, string tag, int startBarsAgo, double startY, int middleBarsAgo, double middleY, int endBarsAgo, double endY, Brush brush, bool drawOnPricePanel)
Draw.Triangle(NinjaScriptBase owner, string tag, bool isAutoScale, int startBarsAgo, double startY, int middleBarsAgo, double middleY, int endBarsAgo, double endY, Brush brush, Brush areaBrush, int areaOpacity, bool drawOnPricePanel)
Draw.Triangle(NinjaScriptBase owner, string tag, bool isAutoScale, DateTime startTime, double startY, DateTime midTime, double middleY, DateTime endTime, double endY, Brush brush, Brush areaBrush, int areaOpacity, bool drawOnPricePanel)
Draw.Triangle(NinjaScriptBase owner, string tag, int startBarsAgo, double startY, int middleBarsAgo, double middleY, int endBarsAgo, double endY, bool isGlobal, string templateName)
Draw.Triangle(NinjaScriptBase owner, string tag, DateTime startTime, double startY, DateTime middleTime, double middleY, DateTime endTime, double endY, bool isGlobal, string templateName)





The hosting NinjaScript object which is calling the draw method


Typically will be the object which is calling the draw method (e.g., "this")


A user defined unique id used to reference the draw object.


For example, if you pass in a value of "myTag", each time this tag is used, the same draw object is modified. If unique tags are used each time, a new draw object will be created each time.


Determines if the draw object will be included in the y-axis scale


The number of bars ago (x value) of the 1st anchor point


The time of the 1st anchor point


The y value of the 1st anchor point


The number of bars ago (x value) of the 2nd anchor point


The time of the 2nd anchor point


The y value of the 2nd anchor point


The number of bars ago (x value) of the 3rd anchor point


The time of the 3rd anchor point


The y value of the 3rd anchor point


The brush used to color the outline of draw object (reference)


The brush used to color the fill area of the draw object (reference)


Sets the level of transparency for the fill color. Valid values between 0 - 100. (0 = completely transparent, 100 = no opacity)


Determines if the draw-object should be on the price panel or a separate panel


Determines if the draw object will be global across all charts which match the instrument


The name of the drawing tool template the object will use to determine various visual properties (empty string could be used to just use the UI default visuals instead)





// Paints a blue triangle on the chart
Draw.Triangle(this, "tag1", 4, Low[4], 3, High[3], 1, Low[1], Brushes.Blue);