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Used to draw custom content to the SuperDOM Column, such as a Grid.  

This method is called during the following conditions:


The SuperDOM is centered (either automatically or when the user presses the Center button)

The SuperDOM is scrolled

All accounts are disconnected

A simulation account is reset

A position is updated

The user changes the SuperDOM's properties through the Properties menu

The SuperDOM first loads (e.g. restoring from a workspace)

The user changes the PnL display unit by clicking on the Position display

The height/width of the SuperDOM window changes

A user resizes the content area by dragging the splitter between price ladder and the columns


Note:  While similar to a Chart Indicator's OnRender() method, the SuperDOM Column uses WPF Drawing Context class, rather than the SharpDX library used for chart rendering.  Concepts between these two methods are guaranteed to be different.



Method Return Value

This method does not return a value.


You must override the method in your SuperDOM column with the following syntax:


protected override void OnRender(DrawingContext dc, double renderWidth)


Method Parameters


The drawing context for the column


The rendering width for the column



Tip:  In order to force OnRender() to be called under a specific condition, call the OnPropertyChanged() method which will force the entire column to repaint.  This approach should be used instead of calling OnRender() directly.





protected override void OnRender(DrawingContext dc, double renderWidth)
  // Rendering logic for our column