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Level II Properties

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The Level II window can be customized through the Level II Properties window.


tog_minusHow to access the Level II Properties window

You can access the Level II properties dialog window by clicking on your right mouse button and selecting the menu Properties.

tog_minusAvailable properties and definitions

The following properties are available for configuration within the Level II Properties window:




Property Definitions

# of price levels (Details)

Sets the number of visible price levels in the details section of the Level II window

# of price levels (Summary)

Sets the number of visible price levels in the summary section of the Level II window


Sets the font options


Graphs the total size at a price level or depth which is number of market participants

Size divided by 100

Displays the the size column values divided by 100

Color for price level X

Sets the back ground color for a specific price level

Back color for tracked market makers

Sets the back color for tracked market makers

Fore color for tracked market makers

Sets the fore color for tracked market makers

tog_minusHow to set the default properties

Once you have your Level II properties set to your liking, you can left mouse click on the "Set Default" button which will save these settings as the default settings used every time you open a new Level II window.


If you change your settings and later wish to go back to the original settings, you can left mouse click on the "Reset" button to return to the original settings.