Operations > Workspaces >

Managing Workspaces

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To access all workspace management functions, open the NinjaTrader Control Center, select the File menu, and then the menu name Workspaces.




A workspace named "Untitled1" will load automatically and cannot be deleted or closed until a new workspace is created
You can have multiple workspaces open simultaneously
Open workspaces are listed in the caption bar of the Control Center window with a check mark next to the active workspace (the image above shows two open workspaces, "Default" and "My Workspace")
The currently displayed workspace has a check mark beside it in the Workspaces menu (see image right, the workspace "My Workspace" is checked)
You can toggle the currently displayed workspace by selecting the workspace you wish to display from the Workspaces menu or using the Hot Key SHIFT + F3
On application shut down you will be given the opportunity to save changes in all open workspaces
tog_minusHow to quickly switch between Workspaces

Quickly Switching Between Workspaces

Pressing SHIFT+F3 keys together will cycle to the next open workspace.

tog_minusHow to create a Workspace

Create a Workspace

1.From the NinjaTrader Control Center select the menu File
2.From the File menu select the menu item Workspaces
3.In the Workspaces menu select the menu item New Workspace
4.A new workspace will be created (unsaved) with a generic title such as "Untitled2"
5.Once you have customized the workspace to your liking, you must then save the workspace (File menu > Workspaces > Save Workspace As... -See the "How to save a workspace" section listed below for further instructions)
tog_minusHow to save a Workspace

Save a Workspace

1.From the NinjaTrader Control Center select the menu File
2.From the File menu select the menu item Workspaces
3.In the Workspaces menu select the menu item Save Workspace or Save Workspace As...
4.Any changes made to the currently displayed workspace will be saved
tog_minusHow to open a Workspace

Open a Workspace

1.From the NinjaTrader Control Center select the menu File
2.From the File menu select the menu item Workspaces
3.In the Workspaces menu select the menu item Open Workspace...
4.Within the dialog window "Open Workspace" select the workspace you wish to open and press the "OK" button
5.The selected workspace will open, a menu item representing the workspace will be displayed in the Workspaces menu (see "My Workspace" in above image), and the selected workspace will be set as the currently displayed workspace
tog_minusHow to close a Workspace

Close a Workspace

1.From the NinjaTrader Control Center select the menu File
2.From the File menu select the menu item Workspaces
3.In the Workspaces menu select the menu item Close Workspace
4.The currently displayed workspace will be closed


At least one workspace must remain open, therefore the last workspace cannot be closed.

tog_minusHow to delete a Workspace

Delete a Workspace

1.From the NinjaTrader Control Center select the menu File
2.From the File menu select the menu item Workspaces
3.In the Workspaces menu select the menu item Open Workspace...
4.Within the dialog window "Open Workspace" select the workspace you wish to delete and press the "Delete" button