double NTAvgEntryPrice(string account)
Gets the average entry price for the selected instrument/account combination.
double NTAvgFillPrice(string orderId)
Gets the average fill price of an order.
bool NTConnected(int showMessage)
Gets the current connection state of the ATI. Returns true when connected, false when disconnected. The parameter showMessage indicates if a message box is displayed in case the connection can not be established. A value of 1 = show message box, any other value = don't show message box.
int NTFilled(string orderId)
Gets the number of contracts/shares filled for the orderId/account combination.
int NTMarketPosition(string account)
Gets the market position for the selected instrument/account combination. Returns 0 for flat, negative for short and positive for long.
string NTNewOrderId
Gets a unique order ID.
string NTOrders(string account)
Gets a string of order ID's of all orders of an account separated by '|'. *If a user defined order ID was not originally provided, the internal token ID value is used since it is guaranteed to be unique.
string NTOrderStatus(string orderId)
Gets the order state (see definitions) for the orderId. Returns an empty string if the order ID value provided does not return an order.
double NTRealizedPnL(string account)
Gets the realized profit and loss of an account.
string NTStopOrders(string strategyId)
Gets a string of order ID's of all Stop Loss orders of an ATM strategy separated by '|'. Internal token ID value is used since it is guaranteed to be unique.
string NTStrategies(string account)
Gets a string of strategy ID's of all ATM strategies of an account separated by '|'. Duplicate ID values can be returned if strategies were initiated outside of the ATI.
string NTStrategyPosition(string strategyId)
Gets the position of a strategy. Returns 0 for flat, negative for short and positive for long.
string TargetOrders(string strategyId)
Gets a string of order ID's of all Profit Target orders of an ATM Strategy separated by '|'. Internal token ID value is used since it is guaranteed to be unique.